A 7-year study showed that patients who used a chiropractor as their main physician experienced the following amazing results…
60% fewer hospital admissions
This in itself is a crazy statistic. Can you imagine not having to go to the hospital as often? No one likes the hospital. I mean don’t get me wrong there is a time and place and need for it, but do you really want to go if you don’t have to?
85% less in pharmaceutical costs
Again I will say there is a time and place for medication. It is definitely necessary but I believe it overused in our society. I think we can agree that most people take way to many meds. I am sure most people would rather not take drugs if possible. Chiropractic has been shown to help with numerous different symptoms and problems resulting in a decrease in the amount of money spent on medications.
62% less outpatient surgeries
Does anyone really ever want to have surgery? I doubt it. I will continue to say it. There is a time and place when surgery is necessary, but if you could avoid it why not? I always recommend a conservative approach before going under the knife. Whether it is a chiropractor, physical therapy, or whomever at least try to fix the problem more naturally before getting cut. That’s always the way I have looked at it. And trust me I have had two knee surgeries so I am not against it, but I empower you to explore your alternative options.
59% fewer days in the hospital
Again, who wants to go to the hospital, let alone stay there? By seeing a chiropractor you may not only decrease your hospital visits but also the duration you stay there. That sounds like a win-win to me.
Chiropractic is more than just pain relief, it is increasing your well-being. If you are looking for a chiropractor in Frisco or the surrounding areas check us out at www.expresschiropracticfrisco.com. For more information on the study CLICK HERE!