Chiropractic care is a safe, effective, and a cost-friendly treatment option for many patients who suffer from spinal and other joint complications.


More and more research has shown that seeing a chiropractor can be more beneficial than pain medications for reducing lower back pain.


Below are 5 great benefits of chiropractic care.

1. Reduction in pain and other symptoms

Whether it is neck pain, upper back pain, lower back pain, or other issues with the neuromusculoskeletal system, chiropractic has been shown to help reduce symptoms and speed up the healing process.

The American College of Physicians now recommends Spinal Manipulation (chiropractic care) and Massage as the go-to therapy for lower back pain rather than immediately turning to pain medications.

2. Increase motion in the joints and surrounding areas

By restoring proper motion to the joints via chiropractic adjustments this can help the entire joint complex by reducing the pressure on the surrounding discs, nerves, and muscles.

The net effect is healthier spinal joints and improved overall flexibility.

3. Allow you to be at your best

When your body is in its correct alignment and functioning properly your body can reach its full potential. Studies show that chiropractic care delivers profound and consistent improvements in energy, spinal flexibility, mental and work related focus, self-esteem and depression.

4. Reduce stress, improve posture and energy levels, and increase your overall wellness

Stress on the body comes in all shapes and sizes.  Physical, chemical, and emotional stress can take a toll on the body.  But when the body is properly aligned it can function at its full potential better countering the effects of stress.

5. Help with both chronic and acute problems

Chiropractic doesn’t care if your problem is chronic or acute.  The goal is to figure out the cause and actually fix the problem, not just mask or cover the symptoms like a band-aid.

If you or anyone you know in the Frisco or outlying area is suffering from a spinal ailment, seeing a chiropractor may be right for you.  At Express Chiropractic of Frisco, our goal is convenience, affordability, and efficiency.

We strive to give you the best chiropractic care not only in Frisco but anywhere!  If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call our office or email us.  We look forward to helping you with your spinal health needs!


Want to learn more Chiropractic Benefits… check out our published article on 5 Proven Benefits of Chiropractic Care.



Blanks RH, Boone WR, Schmidt S, Dobson M, Network Care: A retrospective outcomes assessment, 1996